Albert R. George
Professor George's research and teaching areas are in systems, energy and vehicles. His interests in systems include research on systems views of energy use, health care, knowledge engineering, and manufacturing. In the energy systems area, he has been working on modeling the systems effects of energy sources and energy utilization and in how to supply information to people making decisions on future energy sources and utilization. He is active in systems approaches to aspects of health care such as infection control and improving sleep quality in hospital settings. The focus of his vehicle-related work has been on aerodynamics and aeroacoustic noise mechanisms and the performance, and design of aircraft, automobiles, and engine cooling.
Research Interests
My primary research focus is on the systems and sustainability implications of energy transitions using modeling of the interactions of energy, economic, and environmental effects of renewable and other energy sources. I am also working on linking the humanities and social sciences to engineering and physical sciences to deal with problems of sustainability and energy and health care. A secondary research focus is on automotive-related topics in chassis, engine, aerodynamics and systems engineering.
Teaching Interests
Ongoing teaching interests involve the aerodynamics and heat transfer associated with vehicle and engine performance, including cooling and turbocharging. Other interests are on frame and suspension design and developing systems engineering approaches to system design and to knowledge management for organizations developing complex systems. This work is carried out in conjunction with large student team design-build projects such as the Cornell Formula SAE team.
Selected Publications
- 2014."Biomass Heating; A practical guide for potential users with emphasis on the Southern Tier of New York State".Cornell University. .
- 2014."Design, Analysis, and Simulation of an Automotive Carbon Fiber Monocoque Chassis."Detroit, MichiganApril (2nd Quarter/Spring). .
- 2004."Wake Displacement Modifications to Reduce Rotorcraft Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise."Journal of Aircraft41(2): 290-304. .
- 2002."Design Analysis, and Testing of a Formula SAE Chassis."SAE Transactions- Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems111. .
- 2012."Energy Choices, Planning Guide for Communities and Individuals".Cornell University. .
Selected Awards and Honors
- First Place, ACSF Poster and Short Talk Competition (With Howard Chong) "Real Savings from Home Retrofits" (Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future, Cornell University) 2016
- "Professor Albert R. George Project Team Award" (Cornell Engineering Alumni Association) 2008
- Weiss Presidential Fellow 2007
- Kenneth A. Goldman Excellence in Teaching award 2006
- Carson Buck Teaching Award (American Society for Engineering Education) 2005
- M.A. (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), Princeton University
- B.S. (Aerospace Engineering), Princeton University
- Ph.D. (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), Princeton University