Vikram Krishnamurthy
Dr. Krishnamurthy's current research interests include statistical signal processing, stochastic optimization and inverse reinforcement learning with applications in social networks, radar systems and blockchain. He is the author of the book titled "Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes: Filtering to Controlled Sensing" published by Cambridge University Press in 2016.
Dr. Krishnamurthy was elected Fellow of IEEE in 2004. In 2009-2010, he served as Distinguished lecturer for the IEEE Signal Processing Society. From 2010-2012, he served as Editor in Chief of IEEE Journal Selected Topics in Signal Processing. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Sweden in 2013, and was a Canada Research Chair (2002-2016) at University of British Columbia.
He has graduated more than 25 PhD students; many of them hold leading positions in academia and industry.
Research Interests
- B.S. University of Auckland
- Ph.D. Australian National University