Awards and Honors

van der Meulen receives Lissner Medal from ASME

Marjolein van der Meulen, the James M. and Marsha McCormick Director (BME), has received the 2024 H. R. Lissner Medal from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The H.R. Lissner Medal recognizes outstanding achievements in the field of bioengineering.

DOE awards Shepherd group GOPHURRS grant

Rob Shepherd, associate professor (MAE, Systems), directs the Organic Robots Laboratory, which won a U.S. Department of Energy Grid Overhaul with Proactive, High-Speed Undergrounding for Reliability, Resilience, and Security grant.

Bonassar to receive Urist MD Award

Lawrence Bonassar, Daljit S. and Elaine Sarkaria Professor in Biomedical Engineering (BME, MAE), has been awarded the Marshall R. Urist MD Award by the Orthopedic Research Society, which will be presented at the 2024 ORS Annual Meeting.

ECE's Gupta receives NSF grant

Udit Gupta, assistant professor (Cornell Tech, ECE), received a $2 million grant from the NSF’s Design for Environmental Sustainability in Computing program to study the environmental impact of edge computing devices and their escalating environmental toll. Joining him in the effort is Amit Lal, the Robert M. Scharf 1977 Professor (ECE).

CS' Cardie, Weinberger elected AAAI Fellows

Claire Cardie, professor (CS), and Kilian Weinberger, professor (CS), have been elected Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fellows for 2024. Weinberger was also elected as a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Emma Pierson received AI2050 fellowship

Emma Pierson, assistant professor (Cornell Tech, CS), has been named an AI2050 Early Career Fellowship. The fellowship encourages postdoctoral and pre-tenure researchers to pursue bold and ambitious work on hard problems in AI.

Carbon To Stone team named semifinalist for DOE prize

Greeshma Gadikota’s, associate professor (CEE), Carbon To Stone, Inc. is one of seven semifinalists for the development phase of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management Direct Air Capture Pre-Commercial Prize. The semifinalists will receive a total of $1.05 million in cash awards and technical assistance for technology solutions that reduce carbon dioxide pollution by removing it directly from the atmosphere. Carbon To Stone harnesses alkaline resources bearing high value metals for integrated direct air capture, mineralization, and co-recovery of metals and silica.

Hwang receives IEEE's Eastman Award

James Hwang, research professor (MSE), has received the 2023 IEEE EDS Lester F. Eastman Award. The Eastman Award recognizes individuals with outstanding achievement in high-performance semiconductor devices. Eastman ’53, M.S. ’55, Ph.D. ’57 served as a faculty member with Cornell’s School of Electrical Engineering (now the School of Electrical and Computer  Engineering) until his retirement in 2011.

CS' Guidi receives SIAM Early Career Prize

Giulia Guidi, assistant professor (CS), has received the 2024 SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing Early Career Prize. Guidi was awarded for her pioneering works bridging high-performance computing and computational biology. The prize will be awarded at the 2024 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP24) to be held in Baltimore, MD, in March.

ECE's Mehta receives NSF Early CAREER award

Karan Mehta, assistant professor (ECE), recently received an NSF Early Career Development Award from the Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS). The award supports his research proposal, “Fast coherent and incoherent control of atomic ions in scalable platforms” for a five-year period from 2024 through 2029.