Engineering Co-operative Education Experience (Co-op)
Co-op is an opportunity for you to advance your knowledge and skills in the context of industry, government, and society. Through a co-operative education experience, you will be empowered to create a career plan that will enable you to make well-informed choices for lifelong career success.
Professional Development
Co-op is an educational experience that enables you to:
- combine academic knowledge with industry experience
- clarify your academic interests
- test your career interests and goals
- experience adjusting to a new locale and work environment
- earn a salary
You apply classroom knowledge to work situations, converting theory to practice, while learning information and gaining skills to enhance future coursework.
2025 Work Terms*
Student Eligibility- to participate in a co-operative education experience, a student must:
- be an undergraduate
- have completed at least two semesters by the start of the work term
- be affiliated with an engineering major by the start of the work term
- be in good academic standing with their engineering major and College by the start of work term
- have undergraduate coursework remaining following the work experience
The work experience must be:
- engineering-related work
- paid
- full-time (37.5+ hours/week)
- the duration of a fall or spring semester
- occur during a fall or spring semester
- with an employer that acknowledges the student's participation in the Cornell co-operative education experience. This is verified when a student has an offer. As employers' policies evolve over time, we do not maintain a "pre-approved" list of eligible employers.
How Co-op Works:
If you're interested in a Fall 2025 work experience, join the Co-op listserv.
Send a plain text email message to: engr-coop-jobs-l-request@cornell.edu. In the Subject line of the message, type the single word: join. Leave the body of the message blank.
Make sure you have completed the Campus Recruiting Tutorial, and have set up your Handshake account, have updated and had your résumé reviewed, and have completed a practice interview.
We will periodically send you announcements about available co-ops and connecting with interested employers. The majority of the jobs listed in these messages will be posted in Handshake-to locate the jobs posted in Handshake, you can search on job title or employer in the Handshake system. Should we become aware of other positions which are not posted in Handshake, we will list them separately in the message.
When applying to jobs in Handshake, be sure to follow the application instructions carefully. For some jobs, you will be redirected to an outside URL for application....this may be instead of, OR, in addition to applying through the Handshake system.
You should regularly search Handshake, company websites, and career websites for positions of interest as well.
Talk with your advisor or Major Coordinator about your academic plans to understand the best timing for you to take a semester off to work based on your course progress. In many cases, taking a semester off to work will result in a delayed graduation.
To facilitate the discussion with your Major Coordinator, and for formal approval, you will need a Request to Participate in Co-op form; send a message to engr_coop@cornell.edu to request the form. When sending the message, it is helpful to know your school year, major, and whether you currently have a co-op offer or are exploring co-op as an option.
Some majors may offer summer coursework that you may take to accommodate taking a semester off and still graduating within four years. Discuss available summer coursework with your major department.
If you are considering taking Cornell summer courses in order to co-op, you should consult with Financial Aid well before starting the summer courses to review your summer financial aid options.
If you are an International student, contact ISSO to understand how to secure US work authorization and policies for extensions to degree dates.
When you receive a job offer from an employer, contact the Engineering Career Center to discuss the offer. If you decide to accept it, you will need to complete Co-op Acceptance paperwork with the Engineering Career Center to be officially enrolled in a co-operative education experience for a fall or spring semester.
Then you will work a fall or spring semester (or both depending on your academic plans and employer needs). While you are working, you are enrolled "in absentia" and do not pay tuition for the semester. There is only a $15.00 fee to be enrolled in absentia.
Finally, you will return to campus and complete your remaining coursework.
Due Dates:
Fall 2025 Co-op Due Dates
Due to a number of administrative processes to ensure you are registered and billed properly, your completed paperwork must be received by the following dates or sooner:
July 7: Request to Participate form (requires major department approval)
August 6: Co-op Acceptance forms (requires employer signature)
No requests to participate for Fall 2025 co-op will be accepted after these dates as the semester begins August 25.
The deadline to participate in a Fall 2025 co-operative education experience is July 7. This includes the approval to participate process as well as securing the co-op and completing acceptance agreement forms. As the forms require approvals from others, you must plan ahead. Due to a number of administrative tasks to ensure you are properly registered in absentia, due dates should be followed. If you can not meet these due dates, you should alternatively consider requesting a voluntary leave with your department.
International students must plan well in advance to ensure adequate time to obtain US work authorization paperwork before your intended start date. Contact International Services immediately to discuss whether you have adequate time to complete the necessary paperwork for your participation.
*Due to COVID-19, we reserve the right to change due dates if the university academic calendar changes.
Students who are interested exploring co-op are encouraged to contact the Engineering Career Center for more information at engr_coop@cornell.edu.
All students participating in co-op are required to complete an on-campus recruiting (OCR) tutorial. Please go to the Cornell Career Services website to locate and complete the tutorial.
Employers can find out more at our Co-op for Industry Partners page.