Registrar FAQs for Undergrads and M.Eng.
Academic Standing
Undergraduate Students – Unaffiliated Students Only
Unaffiliated students maintain good academic standing for each semester when they successfully complete the minimum criteria for credits and semester GPA, and are also making reasonable progress toward meeting their overall degree requirements.
To maintain good academic standing for each semester, unaffiliated students must have:
- At least 12 credits (ENGRG 1050, AEWs, and other supplemental academic support courses count; other courses below 1100 and PE courses do not count);
- At least two courses (>/= 3 credits each) in required common curricular mathematics, science, or engineering (project teams, research, independent study, and ENGRG not included);*
- At least one ENGRD by the end of the third semester with a grade of at least C-;
- At least a C- in required mathematics courses,**
- No more than one grade below C each semester in required mathematics, science, and engineering courses;
- Semester GPA >/= 2.0;
- Cumulative GPA >/= 2.0;
- No F, U, or UX grades.
*Failure to enroll in and pass any technical Common Curriculum courses will result in being withdrawn from the College of Engineering.
**Students are expected to be on sequence with core engineering math courses until completed.
Students who do not meet one or more of the above academic criteria in a given semester will have their records reviewed by the Committee on Academic Standards, Petitions, and Credit (CASPAC) at the end of the semester. This may result in an academic action such as a warning or requiring the student to take a leave of absence or to be withdrawn from the University.
Note: Once students have affiliated, good standing criteria is determined by the major department. Review the Engineering Handbook for major specific criteria.
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) Students
- Attain a semester GPA of at least 2.5 or better
- Additional criteria may be established by the department. Contact your Program Coordinator to determine your academic standing.
Applying to a Minor
First, meet with your Faculty Advisor to discuss your options. Second, enroll in and complete the appropriate courses after receiving guidance from your advisor. Lastly, complete the minor declaration form and submit it to the Minor Department Coordinator.
Course Enrollment
Effective Fall 2022, Undergraduates are limited to enroll in a maximum 20 credits in one semester. In some limited circumstances (e.g., their schedule includes AEWs or PE courses), students may be approved to enroll in up to 24 credits. Instances that will not be approved include:
- A student in their first year (or first semester as an external transfer);
- A student attempting to enroll for two or more of any combination of project teams, research credit, and/or TA credit;
- A student pursuing a concurrent degree option;
- The previous semester's GPA was below a 2.0
Taking 20 credits is on average equivalent to 60 hours of work per week. Taking more than 20 credits in a single semester is not recommended, even for students who have a history of strong academic performance. Under no circumstance will a student be approved to enroll in more than 24 credits.
Dean's List
Dean’s List is posted to your Student Record within one month of the completed semester. Dean’s List is awarded to students who meet the below requirements for the particular semester.
- GPA of 3.5 or higher (without rounding)
- Enrolled in 12 or more credits for a letter grade (not S/U)
- No F/U or INC grades for the semester
You will receive a certificate by email once your student record has been updated. Do you believe that you should have received Dean’s List because you have met the above requirements? Please send an email to the Engineering Registrar's Office ( and we will review your record.
Note: Cornell University is phasing out individual school and college Dean’s Lists. The Dean’s List designation will not be applicable to undergraduate students matriculating in Summer 2023, and beyond. The Dean’s List will be discontinued for all students at the end of the Spring 2026 semester.
Declaring a Major/Affiliating with a Field
- To affiliate with a major, complete an Application for Major Affiliation.
- Each major has different requirements which can be found in the Engineering Handbook.
Declaring or Dropping a Double Major
- Complete the Add or Drop a Double Major and submit it to the appropriate undergraduate major coordinator.
- See the 'Special Programs' section of the Engineering Handbook for more information.
External Transfer Students
- Interested in transferring to the College of Engineering from another university?
- Contact Engineering Admissions today to learn more!
- Additional information can be found on the External Transfer Requirements website.
Internal Transfer Students
- Interested in transferring to the College of Engineering from another college within Cornell?
- Contact Engineering Advising today to learn more!
- Additional information can be found on the Internal Transfer to Engineering website.
Rejoining/Returning from a Leave of Absence
- If you are an affiliated student, you will request a rejoin from your major/program coordinator.
- If you are an unaffiliated student, you will request a rejoin from Engineering Advising.
Requesting a Leave of Absence or Withdrawal
Visit our Leave of Absence and withdrawal website.
Requesting a Letter with the College of Engineering
Cornell University uses the National Student Clearinghouse for enrollment verification and degree certification. Information on how to request one of these documents can be found on the University Registrar’s website.
To request a letter verifying information from your student record or to request our office to complete a form verifying information from your student record, please complete a release of information form and submit it to the Engineering Registrar's Office ( Our office attempts to complete all basic requests within 3 business days. Requests that require a disciplinary check can take up to one business week to be completed.
Reserving Space on the Engineering Quad
Visit our room reservation website to review our policies. Once you have reviewed our policies, you may request a space through scheduling@cornell.